The Wetlands of Kiilonen
24th March 2025
The Kiilonen wetlands area is situated at an old farm in South-Western Finland. The fields had been on fallow for some decades until young couple bought the farm to live there. Their dream is to reveal the true potential of this hidden 60-hectare wildlife paradise for biodiversity and sustainable hunting.
The Kiilonen wetlands area is situated at an old farm in South-Western Finland. The fields had been on fallow for some decades until young couple bought the farm to live there....
More and Better Habitats for Waterbirds
24th January 2025
In 2024, the Waterfowlers Network once again contributes to enhancing breeding conditions for waterbirds in Finland—a vital effort to strengthen waterbird populations across Northwestern Europe.
In 2024, the Waterfowlers Network once again contributes to enhancing breeding conditions for waterbirds in Finland—a vital effort to strengthen waterbird populations across...
International Wing Survey Report
28th November 2024
The first Waterfowlers’ Network Wing Survey Report has been released, marking a significant milestone in cross-border efforts to ensure the sustainable management of waterfowl.
The first Waterfowlers’ Network Wing Survey Report has been released, marking a significant milestone in cross-border efforts to ensure the sustainable management of waterfowl.
Conservation Opportunities for Wildfowlers
27th November 2024
One of the primary objectives of the Waterfowlers Network is to foster greater collaboration among flyway hunting organisations. This goal was exemplified in November through a series of evening talks held in Ireland.
One of the primary objectives of the Waterfowlers Network is to foster greater collaboration among flyway hunting organisations. This goal was exemplified in November through...
Celebrate Game Meat Week with Waterfowlers’ Network
4th November 2024
The 4th to the 10th of November, it is game meat week! The purpose of the week is to bring together food lovers, conservationists and hunters to promote and celebrate game meat such as venison, pheasant, wild boar, and duck.
The 4th to the 10th of November, it is game meat week! The purpose of the week is to bring together food lovers, conservationists and hunters to promote and celebrate game...
The Value of Collaboration
27th September 2024
Waterfowlers' Network aims to demonstrate the value of cross-border collaboration in protecting our shared migratory bird species. By sharing knowledge, coordinating efforts to preserve habitats, and working together on sustainable management of migratory birds, we can ensure that these extraordinary species continue their journeys safely between breeding and wintering areas.
Waterfowlers' Network aims to demonstrate the value of cross-border collaboration in protecting our shared migratory bird species. By sharing knowledge, coordinating efforts...
Geographic Variation in the Harvest of Eurasian Wigeon
11th September 2024
A recent study published in the European Journal of Wildlife Research highlights the migratory patterns and geographic origins of Eurasian wigeon (Mareca penelope), a key waterfowl species in Europe. Using stable-hydrogen (δ2H) isotope analysis of feathers from harvested birds, the researchers examined the spatial and temporal shifts in wigeon populations hunted in Finland.
A recent study published in the European Journal of Wildlife Research highlights the migratory patterns and geographic origins of Eurasian wigeon (Mareca penelope), a key...
Why do we need more water in the Land of the Thousand Lakes?
12th June 2024
Wetlands with shallow water and plenty of insects are ecosystems that support a wide range of species, and they are increasingly in short supply.
Wetlands with shallow water and plenty of insects are ecosystems that support a wide range of species, and they are increasingly in short supply.
Waterfowlers' Network Annual Meeting in Ireland
7th March 2024
Collaboration and the sustainability of hunting were some of the main topics on February 12th - 13th as the Waterfowlers' Network held yet another annual meeting. This year, it was Ireland's turn to host, and the Irish partners, the National Association of Regional Game Councils (NARCG), organized a successful meeting based in the town of Enniscorthy.
Collaboration and the sustainability of hunting were some of the main topics on February 12th - 13th as the Waterfowlers' Network held yet another annual meeting. This year,...
Updated guidance on addressing outbreaks of Avian Influenza in wildlife
10th August 2023
The Scientific Task Force on Avian Influenza and Wild Birds has sounded the alarm on the current near-global spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) and the unparalleled scale of mortality among wild birds. Among other recommendations, the Task Force urges countries to consider HPAI as a conservation issue, plan accordingly and avoid culling measures of wild birds.
The Scientific Task Force on Avian Influenza and Wild Birds has sounded the alarm on the current near-global spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) and the unparalleled...
Scandinavian study reveals no crippling of three sea duck species
14th July 2023
European sea duck populations have been declining over the last decades, resulting in an increased focus on studies supporting conservation efforts and increasing our knowledge on factors affecting survival and breeding success of these species. An on-going study focusing on seaducks breeding in the Baltic Sea has revealed that crippling of females does not seem to pose an important threat to the studied populations.
European sea duck populations have been declining over the last decades, resulting in an increased focus on studies supporting conservation efforts and increasing our knowledge...
Ådans Vänner hosts international Eider workshop in Åland
14th June 2023
Members of Waterfowlers' Network's Duck Nest Monitoring Project were invited to participate in an international Eider workshop held in Åland. The workshop included field visits as well as scientific discussions on Eider biology and management, and the participants also found time to enjoy the wonderful meals and sceneries of the Åland Islands.
Members of Waterfowlers' Network's Duck Nest Monitoring Project were invited to participate in an international Eider workshop held in Åland. The workshop included field visits...
New Biodiversa+ Project on bird conservation launched
22nd May 2023
A new EU project launched this month will evaluate changes in bird abundance and distributions in Europe and develop new tools to meet global biodiversity targets for 2030.
A new EU project launched this month will evaluate changes in bird abundance and distributions in Europe and develop new tools to meet global biodiversity targets for 2030.
Citizen science projects reveal drivers of Mallard decline
13th April 2023
In a recent study published in Ornithological Applications, survey data from citizen science projects were used in an integrated population model to assess what drives the decline of the Mallard breeding population in the Netherlands. The newly collected data on duckling survival proved decisive in explaining the negative population trend.
In a recent study published in Ornithological Applications, survey data from citizen science projects were used in an integrated population model to assess what drives the...
International NARGC seminar on the open seasons order
30th March 2023
On February 10th 2023, Waterfowlers' Network's Irish partner organisation NARGC hosted a seminar on best practices in management of huntable game species - with guest speakers from FACE, Finland and Denmark. The seminar was held in response to Minister Malcolm Noonan’s announcement last year of a review of the open seasons order.
On February 10th 2023, Waterfowlers' Network's Irish partner organisation NARGC hosted a seminar on best practices in management of huntable game species - with guest speakers...
Summer count of Greylag Geese in Denmark
17th January 2023
In 2022, the size of the Danish Greylag Goose population was estimated through the involvement of experienced and professional goose counters as well as a number of volunteers - including both hunters and birdwatchers - signing up for their first goose count.
In 2022, the size of the Danish Greylag Goose population was estimated through the involvement of experienced and professional goose counters as well as a number of volunteers...
First presentation of results at international symposium
27th October 2022
After a long wait caused by the pandemic, the 6th Pan-European Duck Symposium was finally held in Coimbra, Portugal, in late September 2022. The first results of the Duck Nest Monitoring Project run by Waterfowlers’ Network were presented during the poster sessions.
After a long wait caused by the pandemic, the 6th Pan-European Duck Symposium was finally held in Coimbra, Portugal, in late September 2022. The first results of the Duck...
International Action Plan for Common Eider adopted
1st October 2022
One of the long-awaited outcomes of the 8th Meeting of the Parties to the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) was the final adoption of the International Single Species Action Plan (ISSAP) for Common Eider.
One of the long-awaited outcomes of the 8th Meeting of the Parties to the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) was the final adoption of the International...
United for Wigeon: Update from Project Penelope
20th May 2022
Launched last year, Project Penelope is an international collaborative three-year project led by the Waterfowlers’ Network. The project links hunters and scientists aiming to improve our knowledge of one of Europe’s most popular quarry ducks – the Eurasian Wigeon.
Launched last year, Project Penelope is an international collaborative three-year project led by the Waterfowlers’ Network. The project links hunters and scientists aiming...
International Wing Survey Workshop held in Denmark
17th May 2022
A new project has slowly been building up in the Waterfowlers’ Network, and a big step forward was taken in April 2022, when participants from the seven partner organisations met up in Denmark to kickstart a future collaboration on national wing surveys.
A new project has slowly been building up in the Waterfowlers’ Network, and a big step forward was taken in April 2022, when participants from the seven partner organisations...
Waterfowlers' Network Annual Meeting in the Netherlands
6th May 2022
After two years of online meetings, the spring of 2022 finally allowed Waterfowlers’ Network to meet up for our annual meeting. Representatives from the seven partner organisations were joined by participants from our Belgian colleagues, FACE and the Finnish Wildlife Agency. The meeting was kindly hosted by the Royal Dutch Hunters’ Association.
After two years of online meetings, the spring of 2022 finally allowed Waterfowlers’ Network to meet up for our annual meeting. Representatives from the seven partner organisations...
Celebrating World Wetlands Day in Finland
9th February 2022
Finland is an important breeding area for numerous European duck species. Therefore, we have a great responsibility to take care of natural breeding sites as well as protect birds against alien predators. Loss of habitat and predation are the biggest threats to our breeding waterbirds.
Finland is an important breeding area for numerous European duck species. Therefore, we have a great responsibility to take care of natural breeding sites as well as protect...
Improving Eider breeding succes in the Åland Islands
28th January 2022
After witnessing a dramatic decline of the Baltic Sea Eider population, the project “Friends of the Eider” was initiated in 2019. The project aims to find and develop efficient management methods to improve Eider breeding success in the Åland Archipelago.
After witnessing a dramatic decline of the Baltic Sea Eider population, the project “Friends of the Eider” was initiated in 2019. The project aims to find and develop efficient...
The return of lost breeding habitats
31st August 2021
Waterfowlers’ Network has contributed to the restoration of 12,5 hectares of promising duck breeding habitat in Eastern Finland. Eurasian Wigeon and Mallard are among the species expected to benefit from the planned conversion of agricultural land into a prime wetland.
Waterfowlers’ Network has contributed to the restoration of 12,5 hectares of promising duck breeding habitat in Eastern Finland. Eurasian Wigeon and Mallard are among the...
Can digital photos replace wings in future wing surveys?
9th June 2021
A new study carried out by BASC and WWT shows that photographs have the potential to be a valuable tool in increasing the participation in wing surveys, with high levels of accuracy in determining the species and sex for Wigeon, Mallard and Teal wings.
A new study carried out by BASC and WWT shows that photographs have the potential to be a valuable tool in increasing the participation in wing surveys, with high levels of...
New duck nest monitoring project initiated
7th June 2021
Waterfowlers' Network has set up an international citizen science project to monitor the effect of artificial duck nest structures such as breeding baskets, duck tubes and nest boxes.
Waterfowlers' Network has set up an international citizen science project to monitor the effect of artificial duck nest structures such as breeding baskets, duck tubes and...
Waterfowlers support wetland restoration
8th May 2021
As the World Migratory Bird Day celebrates migratory birds and raises awareness of the constant travellers’ dependence on international cooperation, members of Waterfowlers’ Network raise support for restoration of Finnish wetlands.
As the World Migratory Bird Day celebrates migratory birds and raises awareness of the constant travellers’ dependence on international cooperation, members of Waterfowlers’...
Put your eggs in a basket!
12th November 2020
Artificial nesting opportunities have been in use in the Netherlands for a long time, and braiding breeding baskets of willow or reed is an old craft. Breeding baskets are thought to aid in the breeding success of ducks by protecting them from predators, bad weather circumstances and mowing of ditches.
Artificial nesting opportunities have been in use in the Netherlands for a long time, and braiding breeding baskets of willow or reed is an old craft. Breeding baskets are...
Waterfowlers on the look-out for avian influenza
22nd October 2020
Elevated risk of avian influenza outbreaks in Europe calls for increased focus on surveillance, and waterfowlers may help detect suspected cases by reporting sick or dead birds. Prompt testing of such individuals should be carried out by the wildlife health authorities.
Elevated risk of avian influenza outbreaks in Europe calls for increased focus on surveillance, and waterfowlers may help detect suspected cases by reporting sick or dead...
Celebrating year one of Waterfowlers' Network
14th September 2020
Like many other events this year, the annual meeting of Waterfowlers' Network was changed from a regular meeting in the Netherlands to an online event. Despite the practical challenges and lack of opportunity to meet up, the network managed to move on with some very important initiatives and decisions, continuing to shape the network and its areas of work.
Like many other events this year, the annual meeting of Waterfowlers' Network was changed from a regular meeting in the Netherlands to an online event. Despite the practical...
Finland invests in wetland habitats
15th June 2020
The Finnish Government is providing historic funding for wetland restoration and management of invasive predators through the SOTKA and HELMI-programs. Aiming to restore 400 hectares of prime brood habitat and 80 protected wetland sites during the next three years, the goal is to help declining waterbird populations and halt the general loss of biodiversity.
The Finnish Government is providing historic funding for wetland restoration and management of invasive predators through the SOTKA and HELMI-programs. Aiming to restore 400...
Identification of Taiga and Tundra Bean Geese
24th April 2020
Even experienced waterfowlers find separation of Taiga and Tundra Bean Geese challenging. The two subspecies breed in different habitats, but they often appear together during winter and on migration, and they look very similar. A newly published identification guide offers very useful aid for subspecies identification.
Even experienced waterfowlers find separation of Taiga and Tundra Bean Geese challenging. The two subspecies breed in different habitats, but they often appear together during...
Cross-border cooperation between goose hunters
2nd April 2020
Nordic goose hunters are sharing their advice on how to hunt geese in a sustainable and ethical way with anyone willing to spend time with them. At the same time, they are delivering on some of the key actions of an international flyway agreement by helping to reach the agreed population size while minimizing the crippling rate.
Nordic goose hunters are sharing their advice on how to hunt geese in a sustainable and ethical way with anyone willing to spend time with them. At the same time, they are...
International Action Plan due for Common Eider
22nd January 2020
This spring, after several years of concern for the species, the first steps will be taken towards an international action plan for Common Eider. Along with other stakeholders, Waterfowlers’ Network has been invited to participate in the process.
This spring, after several years of concern for the species, the first steps will be taken towards an international action plan for Common Eider. Along with other stakeholders,...
Unraveling migration patterns of Finnish Greylag Geese
21st January 2020
To improve the flyway-scale management of Greylag Goose, a new research project on the migration patterns of Finnish breeding birds was launched in 2019. Movements and distribution of geese during the non-breeding season are studied by use of GPS-transmitters.
To improve the flyway-scale management of Greylag Goose, a new research project on the migration patterns of Finnish breeding birds was launched in 2019. Movements and distribution...
Why report rings from shot birds?
21st November 2019
Ringing of wild birds has a long tradition in European wildlife management. In recent years, an increased focus on flyway management of European goose populations has also put hunting in the spotlight as an important tool in goose management. Hunters shooting ringed geese may make an important contribution by reporting the rings from shot birds.
Ringing of wild birds has a long tradition in European wildlife management. In recent years, an increased focus on flyway management of European goose populations has also...
Strengthened international cooperation
7th November 2019
Strengthened international cooperation is needed to secure the hunting of migratory birds in the future. This was the conclusion coming from representatives of 7 northern European countries, which met for a workshop on the conservation and management of migratory birds in Denmark. The result was an agreement on a common international agenda that benefits both huntable species and nature.
Strengthened international cooperation is needed to secure the hunting of migratory birds in the future. This was the conclusion coming from representatives of 7 northern...
About Waterfowlers' Network
3rd November 2019
Waterfowlers’ Network was established in 2019 and has visions reaching far into the future. We want to make the world a better place for birds and waterfowlers alike, and we will do this by improving data collection, restoring habitats and actively engaging in sustainable management of waterbirds.
Waterfowlers’ Network was established in 2019 and has visions reaching far into the future. We want to make the world a better place for birds and waterfowlers alike, and...