The Wetlands of Kiilonen 24th March 2025
The Kiilonen wetlands area is situated at an old farm in South-Western Finland. The fields had been on fallow for some decades until a young couple bought the farm to live there. Their dream is to reveal the true potential of this hidden 60-hectare wildlife paradise for biodiversity and sustainable hunting.
Text: Mikko Alhainen, Project coordinator SOTKA Wetlands, Finnish Wildlife Agency
Photos: Mikko Alhainen, Kalle Koskinen & Claus Lind Christensen
The rocky forest landscape with mosaic of rolling fields provides variety of habitat and many small valleys with potential to create shallow flooded wetland for wildlife to thrive.
Shallow temporary and seasonal wetlands are the super brood habitat of dabbling ducks. The greatest example of these habitats is the Prairie Pothole Region – the duck factory of the North America. These habitats can be restored to the landscape by damming suitable sites and managing the water levels resembling the natural water level fluctuation of these habitats.
At the Kiilonen farm six different suitable basins were identified and wetland restoration plans drafted in co-operation of the landowners and SOTKA wetland team. After consultation with the environmental and local authorities, the wetland plan was finalized and signed. It was time for the next step – fishing for funding!
And yes, it was biting well. Thanks to the Finnish Game Foundation, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, landowners own investments and last but far from least the Flyway sponsors in Ireland and Denmark through the Waterfowlers Network, we had access to necessary resources to machinery work and materials to build six dams with water level regulation, totalling to 8,5 hectare project!
The key to the productivity of seasonal and temporary wetlands is the occasional drought. During the dry period, the dry land plants return to site, possible fish population diminishes and after re-flooding the area supports high densities of aquatic invertebrates, the key food source for the hatched ducklings of many duck species as well as other birds, newts, frogs, bats and other wildlife.
The benefit of six different wetland basins on one farm is the possibility of flooding rotations. One of the wetlands can be dry for 1-2 summers as the other are at different stages of wetland succession after flooding. Altogether the wetland complex can provide great habitat for wigeon, teal, mallard, goldeneye and possibly also for tufted duck, shoveler along with many waders. The wetlands are also enjoyed by moose, deer and grouse, while attracting non-native predators such as American Mink and Raccoon Dog along with native fox and other species willing to eat ducks.
The landowners are responsible hunters, committed to conserve and restore habitats for the benefit of wildlife. An important part of successful conservation is the management of invasive species such as Raccoon Dog and American Mink, which the landowners are committed to keep at low numbers with trapping and active hunting, and they have very good action to remove all Raccoon Dog and Mink from the area.
The combination of restored habitat, effective predator control and well managed sustainable waterfowl hunting provides great opportunities for flyway level populations restoration. New generations of ducks can hatch, grow, take flight and migrate to connect the countries on our magnificent flyways.
The Kiilonen wetland will host the first duck broods in the early summer of 2025. The full potential will be seen in 2026-2030 as invertebrate populations and vegetation develop to provide superb habitat in the landscape of Southern Finland!
Follow the SOTKA-wetlands youtube-channel – Kiilonen wetlands will join the network of great brood habitats! Following sites, have benefited from the Flyway Funding through the Waterfowlers Network.
What the area looked like in August 2024. Photo: Mikko Alhainen
And this picture shows what the area looked like three month later, November 2024. Photo: Kalle Koskinen